i decided to split this long post into 2 different posts, taking a break in between to rest after typing and posting so much:P
4.ORIENTATION 09!haha i've been hoping to be an ogl since last year when i first joined VJC and experienced orientation 08.i guess i got really attracted by the strong vjc spirit and ever highness during the orientation itself. it spurs me to want to take up the ogl role and experience it again, this time not as freshmen but instead someone who can share and pass on the spirit to the juniors. i got a chance last year to be an O2 OGL in Ivanhoe but perhaps O2 wasnt as successful as O1, thus i was far more excited for this year's orientation.i felt really fortunate to be chosen as OGL and in IVANHOE AGAIN! As usual we did a lot of cheering, mass dancing trainings before orientation started.Even though it could be rather boring at times but when it comes to the real orientation we had fun teaching the freshmen.i must say, IVANHOE U ROCKKKK!!! thanks to all the ogls who had contributed so much to this orientation to ensure that ivanhoe will be hyped up.especially our heads althea and basil, million of thanks to you all!(:
and of course to the ivanhoe freshmen, IV8 I WANT!wells as usual la, u all were kinda dead on the first and second day. perhaps coz u all did not know each other and havent got into the mood yet. but i am glad that u all really took initiative to lead the cheers and games on the last 3 days.hope you all had funn!and LOLL, i know i cmi in mass dance la, so hopefully u all didnt screw up so much in the mass dance section since i dunno how to teach u all. haha we can learn tgt!i am the fastest learning "freshmen" rmb!hahahs:D
lastly thanks to my sub og partners nicholas,charissa and gerald!nice working with you all in the sub og!:D
even though i think that this year's orientation still have much more to improve on, i must still say that IT ROCKS(:
here are some photos!( my whole sub og photo not available:/)

harmoc pple at suntec!

IV8 ogls!:nicholas,me and charissa
here are some freshmen photosss:

vanessa and siyun

me, hansheng and brandon.(actually i dunno what they were doing,were they trying to act old O.O)

me and vanessa

hansheng and brandon

IV8!(those who went to suntec:D)
so sorry i forgot to send u all birthday msgs:/hope you all dun mind! and LOL glen ang hope you like our special cake(18 FISH CAKES) we prepared for u today!HAHAHA
i am sorry. but your shadow was not strong at all, thus it got killed by time.