i know this is late, but i finally manage to find the correct mood and time to post this:P
Last saturday was amazing, my first ever successfully planned concert ended in quite a high note. i guess it was a day i will never forget.
truthfully i must say, i never placed so much time and effort into such a concert before, not even during my days in stnicks huahui. i guess coz after constantly contributing as an exco member thruout the whole year, i started to love vjcharmoc more and more. . This journey in vjc harmoc had made me learn quite alot. Many things have happened along this journey, both good and bad. i do not dare to say i had become more mature in my thinking, but i have definitely tried to accept and overcome many of my flaws. Those days were hard , coz many a times i failed to overcome it, and resulted in a lot of repercussions. i often blamed myself, and sank into mild depression. But slowly, i got to see the importance of acceptance. sometimes, things just have to be in that way i guess.
i was glad that even though i was rather stressed up by quite a few things this whole year, many people were there to support me constantly(: i shall list them out:
1. Firstly to my J2 EXCOS!
thank you to all my dear excos! truthfully you all are the best excos i had ever worked with with in my life(: you guys are a bunch of very supportive and encouraging friends, and these little actions of support, concern really touched me. we had worked so hard ever since SYF preparations and had bonded us tgt alot alot. we progressed very fast from those times when we hardly even meet/talk to each other other than meetings to those times when we just sticked tgt thruout the harmoc hours or even after that( to go dinner and gossip:P). i guess i will really miss those days...
those days where we stayed back after harmoc to work on exco stuffs, those days when we felt that we were being forgotten yet we still fight on..those days when we worked so hard to try to get our SWAY right..
i will never forget you all! EXCO 08/09 ROCKS:D
2. Thank you NOBODY! ( plus jieqi and carol:D)

i knew that day after concert many of you sent msgs to each other to thank everybody. i am sorry i was one of those that didnt coz i was too tired until i slept:x thus, i decided to thank all of you here! THANK YOU NOBODY! truthfully i din expect myself to be performing as a NOBODY before we were formed. but i am really glad to perform with you all since all of you are my great harmoc friends! i am so sorry i often had to arrange meetings in such a way that it clashed with our practices and music comm + exco were unable to prac with the rest of you. thanks for being so considerate to understand our situation and even helped us out in saikanging etc whenever we needed help:x it was really glad to have such a bunch of supportive friends out there besides my excos + music comm to give me strength to persevere. i enjoyed those days of practices and heartwarming birthday celebration. and regarding my birthday celebration in april, thank you so much! i never had or recieved such a special celebration and presents before(:
to jieqi and carol! thank you so much for helping out in our performance! i felt bad that we had made so many last minutes changes and you had to cater to us but i never heard you all complain at all. thanks for being so nice and helpful!(:
MR LEE, MISS NG AND MR TANG!i dunno if you all will visit my blog or not.. but stil thank you so much my dear teachers and mr tang!
to my dear teachers, thank you so much for your guidance throughout this whole term in harmoc. without your help, i wun be able to guide my excos and other members to what we are today(: even though many times we disagree with your opinions, thanks for being so open minded and consider our views. i am so sorry for those times when any one of us seemed to get a bit frustrated and vent out on you all. please forgive in our immaturity!:x
to mr tang, YOU SIMPLY ROCK MANS. HAHA. we all know that you are a super busy man who needa guide several schools to get good SYF results and plan good concerts. yet, you always put on that smile of yours and encourage us thruout our tough, tiring practices. your encouragement really made me persevere and maybe you dun know..you are the man that made me pass my standing broad jump during 5 items!!(okay this is random..only a few knew this stupid story:P)
i am so sorry for those times that we somehow neglected you during the practices or had some miscommunications that caused you to come down to vj for nothing ( etc no prac that day). i hope you can forgive me and yes i know there wun be a next time for me but i will tell wingyee to be extra careful! :P
THANK YOU MY DEAR MUSIC COMM(:i must say, OUR CONCERT AND SYF SERIOUSLY CANT PROGRESS W/O YOU ALL. LOL. you all are really a group of super important people to our whole band! thank you soo soo soo much for being cooperative and understanding with the excos and teachers for this whole year. it really made alot of things work out much more easily than usual(: your contributions and sacrifices made to have meetings, extra sectionals etc are definitely no lesser than what my excos did. thank you once again for working so hard for vjc harmoc!
5. Beloved J1 EXCOS!to our successors! we can see that you all really tried your best to get all the allocated tasks done! sometimes, as the j2 excos, we were unable to guide you all throughout your whole journey of planning due to our busy schedules and the many allocated work we had to rush out.
thanks for being so understanding and tried to be independent to pick up those skills yourself(: we really appreciate that(: you had helped us to lessen many of our workload and i was glad many tasks were done well enough even though many of you were quite inexperienced(:
thank you and jiayous for next year's concert!(:

haha! of coz i wun forget abt you all! without each and everyone of you, this concert wun be as great as it was. thanks for always being there for practices and trying so hard in your own private time to train for our SYF and concerts. i really appreciate that effort made(: even though sometimes i had to vent my anger on you all, thanks for being cooperative and understanding of my situation. i really need that kind of support. as a whole, thanks for supporting me!this concert was our hardwork! and let us be proud of this glory!(:
7. to all my loved ones(:i hope you know who you are. throughout this whole year, you have been there for me thru those times when i was stressed up or upset. thanks for those concern and care(: you all are an important part of my life(:
now i had officially step down i guess..really dun want to do that, but now it is really time to pass on to the juniors.jiayous(: and i love vjc harmoc forever!(:
i lost that again and wanna find it back.