lols. blogger was finally back to normal when i just finished creating a wordpress blog. but i think there will be quite a lot to settle if i gonna change to wordpress. therefore, i think i will stay here a little longer(:
these are some photos we took on friday during class outing! yupps we had our 4 justice class outing again at our regular meetup venue- alyy's house (: this time there was no bbq, just pizzas and plain chit chatting. but it was fun lar, we even played "orientation" games such as " the PING and the PONG" and the famous "duki duki-tong gah tong gah" game. too bad people like xilei, congyi, fangting are unable to make it, but we did have people such as alyy and selina who returned from overseas for holidays:D wells, hopefully next time( shld be after As, more pple can make it, eg: scholars ) btw, thank you eliz for being our dedicated planner! i guess without ur initiative, everybody will be lazy to contact each other and agree with a date. hahas:P

peixuan's expression is so funny:P